[08:31 PM] Angel: Good day! My name is Angel. How can I help you today? [08:32 PM] otha92: whole up mam 1 minute [08:33 PM] Angel: Okay. [08:33 PM] otha92: im trying to add straight talk phone, using the 45$ unlimited minutes,texts, and Data. I tried doing this online and they said No ESN/IMEI for that phone number the phone hasent been out of minutes for 2 weeks. how can I solve this promblemotha92 Posts: 3Joined: Wed Apr 23, 2014 7:02 pm [08:34 PM] Angel: I need to check the account. What is the phone's serial number? [08:34 PM] otha92: where do I find that at? [08:34 PM] Angel: On the red activation card, or on the phone of the phone and from settings/prepaid menu. [08:35 PM] Angel: What type of phone is this? An Android? [08:35 PM] otha92: let me look it up real quick [08:36 PM] Angel: Sure. [08:36 PM] otha92: its the straight talk LG optimus [08:37 PM] Angel: What was your phone number? [08:38 PM] otha92: 5639490931 [08:38 PM] Angel: There are no records of it. [08:38 PM] otha92: wtf [08:38 PM] Angel: Could you please go to settings / about phone / status? [08:39 PM] otha92: okay [08:39 PM] otha92: im there [08:39 PM] Angel: Look for the number MEID / DEC. [08:40 PM] otha92: im not seeing that mam [08:40 PM] Angel: What about IMEI? [08:40 PM] otha92: not that either

[08:40 PM] Angel: Could you please turn the phone off and immediately back on? [08:41 PM] Angel: While the phone is powering On, it should says Tracfone. [08:41 PM] Angel: If is not, let me know what it says. [08:42 PM] otha92: its says lg ,verizon wireless [08:42 PM] Angel: I see. As you notice, it's from Verizon not Tracfone. [08:43 PM] Angel: Was the phone active with us? With Tracfone Wireless? [08:43 PM] otha92: no I got straight talk wireless [08:43 PM] Angel: Okay. Let's try this. [08:44 PM] Angel: Turn the phone off, remove the battery and look on the back of the phone. [08:44 PM] Angel: There is a white label with the number MEID or IMEI. [08:44 PM] Angel: It's a 15 or 18 digits number. [08:44 PM] otha92: i see [08:45 PM] otha92: A000003494F0FF [08:45 PM] Angel: One moment to check the information. [08:46 PM] Angel: We don't have records of this phone in our system. [08:46 PM] Angel: May I have the Email that is registered with us? [08:47 PM] otha92: i don't exactly remember which one but ill give you the emails i use [08:47 PM] otha92:
otha563@gmail.com [08:47 PM] otha92:
keyitta@yahoo.com [08:47 PM] otha92:
younotgee@yahoo.com [08:48 PM] otha92: and that MEID number was only 14 digits long [08:48 PM] Angel: Thank you. [08:48 PM] Angel: Let me check the account. [08:50 PM] Angel: I found the account using Email
keyitta@yahoo.com [08:50 PM] Angel: It says that phone is a LG 38C [08:50 PM] Angel: But the device that you have is from Verizon. [08:51 PM] Angel: Perhaps, is the same model but it got mixed with the correct one. [08:51 PM] otha92: so what should i do [08:51 PM] otha92: i never had this problem before [08:51 PM] Angel: We can look if that phone is compatible with us. One moment to check. [08:53 PM] Angel: The system is running slow. Just one moment. [08:53 PM] otha92: ok im here [08:54 PM] Angel: It seems that phone is compatible with us. [08:54 PM] Angel: You need to find the correct phone. [08:55 PM] Angel: The one that says Tracfone while poweing on. [08:55 PM]